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This letter is a statement issued by an Associate office or Director that calls attention to a well-established interpretation or principle of tax law (including a tax treaty) without applying it to a specific set of facts. An information letter may be issued if the taxpayer's inquiry indicates a need for general information or if the taxpayer's request does not meet the requirements of a revenue procedure and the Service concludes that general information will help the taxpayer. An information letter is advisory only and has no binding effect on the Service. If the Associate office issues an information letter in response to a request for a letter ruling that does not meet the requirements of this revenue procedure, the information letter is not a substitute for a letter ruling.

Information letters that are issued by the Associate offices to members of the public are made available to the public. Information letters that are issued by the field offices are generally not made available to the public. Because information letters do not constitute written determinations as defined in Section § 6110, they are not subject to public inspection. The Service makes the information letters available to the public under FOIA.

Synonyms: information letter, information letters
Synonyms list (a comma-separated list)
information letter, information letters